Nowhere To Go (but inside)

As you can likely guess – I drew this illustration during one of my many days in isolation during the COVID19 pandemic experience this past year in 2020. 

I have to say, I've found this whole experience to be rather fascinating.

Our entire society shuts down, we are separated from our day to day lives, removed from our communities and shut off from all external distractions – forced to stay inside our homes. With nowhere to go, and nowhere to hide.

For many of us – this has been a unique opportunity for us to go within ourselves. To face these deeper layers we may have been avoiding or simply ignoring for quite some time. A chance to become more deeply aware of our  internal (and external societal) systems.

If this is not an opportunity for personal growth and transformation then I don't know what is!

I don't know about you – but it is pretty clear to me that we are in the midst of a massive internal and external transformation. I would personally interpret it as a being in the midst of a great awakening. 

We are being presented with an opportunity to create a new world. To re-build our broken and in just systems from the inside out. 

I say – let's take full advantage of this time, to honestly look within ourselves, to notice our faulty systems. To give ourselves the love and attention we deserve  and to put the effort into bettering ourselves for the benefit of the entire world moving forward.

Let's create a new world with that is built from love for ourselves, compassion for others and respect towards our mother earth. 

Have you had the chance to look deeper within yourself? What is your heart calling you to do? 

It's time to get creative my friend 😉

With so much love!

– Sarah Voss


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