About Me


Hello, My name is Sarah. I am a Canadian artist, meditation teacher, graphic designer and profoundly curious human being on a mission to create a more deeply connected and conscious world.

My journey of self discovery began 8 years ago when I started travelling far and wide across the globe and exploring deep within myself. From the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern Colombia, where I spent months living in the jungle, connecting with the earth and learning new perspectives from various indigenous cultures and traditional plant medicine healing ceremonies — to the magical town of Tepoztlán, Mexico, where I participated in traditional Temazcal sweat lodge healing ceremonies. From the bustling cities of India, where I discovered various religious systems and spiritual traditions — to the city of Dharamsala in the Himalayan mountains, where I practiced and studied Buddhist meditation and philosophy with Tibetan monks. I was guided to further explore and study the practice of meditation — eventually attending a 10 Day Vipassana Meditation retreat and pursuing my heart’s calling through completing a Meditation Teacher certification program in 2020. I’ve sat countless hours in isolated silence — observing my body, mind and breath. Through these years of inner exploration and personal transformation, I have developed a deeper understanding of myself and my interconnectedness with the world around me. 

I’ve come to understand that I am much more than my human body and mind. There is a deeper layer to my existence that is profoundly connected to and a part of something greater. All trees, animals, humans, and plants — all life on earth, is connected to the same source of energy.

My spiritual connection has become an integral part of my life, and this greater energy has deeply influenced and inspired my creative path and artistic expression.

As an artist — my intention is to create art that opens minds, expands awareness, and shifts perspectives. To express this fascinating energy within and all around me. To create sustainable and thought provoking wall art that inspires deep inner reflections and impactful conversations in people’s lives and home spaces.

As a meditation teacher — my intention is to create a safe space for people to explore more deeply within themselves. To share, learn and grow with a community. To make meditation as easy and accessible as possible and to support others, as they take their journey within.

Imagine — a world where we are focused on what connects us rather than separates us. Where we see our similarities rather than our differences. A world created from a place of love, harmony and peace with ourselves, each other and the earth. A world in which we truly experience ourselves as one living, breathing being.

I believe this transformation is possible, and it all starts with a deeper look within ourselves.

Let’s connect, and create a better world — together.

With love and gratitude,

— Sarah Voss


* Born in Ottawa, Canada — I would like to acknowledge that the land on which I was raised is the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People. The Algonquin peoples have lived on this land since time immemorial. I am grateful to have the opportunity to grow and live in this territory.