The Power of Passion

Where does passion come from? 
What is this force of energy that fuels our hearts deepest desires?

⁣⁣I remember — a young teenager version of Sarah living in Ottawa, Canada. ⁣⁣
I remember dreaming of the day I would be able to speak fluent Spanish. Imagining what it would be like to immerse myself in a Latin American culture. A place I for some reason was so curious about and deeply intrigued by...⁣⁣

I was completely obsessed with the idea. I watched videos of people speaking Spanish, I frequently listened to latino music. I pretended to speak some sort of Spanish gibberish in front of the mirror - imagining what it would feel like to one day perfectly speak the language. 

I could not let go of this vision and without realizing it, I had completely devoted myself to this dream. ⁣⁣

I committed myself to studying — I spent my entire hour long lunch break (while I was a full time designer at Farm Boy in Ottawa) sitting in a nearby Starbucks studying Spanish on my Rosetta stone computer program. I did this for 5 days a week for one year! I faced my fears and travelled alone to Latin America. I stepped out of my comfort zone in far away places. I took every chance I could to practice. I failed and terribly embarrassed myself speaking many times. I shed so many layers of my identity and left behind any limitations that we’re holding me back from accomplishing my dream.⁣⁣

⁣⁣I did all of this to bring me closer to this feeling, this passion. This undeniable vision I had of myself in this new life, in this new world. ⁣⁣

⁣I look back today, as I write this message from Mexico City. A place I feel so fortunate to call my home. Where I am connected to a community of friends and where I joyfully speak to locals in the streets and as I buy my weekly groceries. Where I am immersed in a culture I truly love so deeply, and am fluently speaking Spanish everyday.⁣⁣ ⁣Living a life that could have only ever existed in my young teenage imagination and wildest dreams..

⁣⁣I reflect today on the power behind passion. ⁣⁣

⁣⁣This powerful force within me that not only drove me to this new life, but also through this process, has completely transformed me as a human being. ⁣⁣This inner guidance system that fuelled me forward, that ignited every action and inspired idea within me along the way. This life force exists within all of us. ⁣⁣Fuelling our growth, guiding us at each and every moment through these feelings of excitement, joy and passion.

What ideas get your heart racing? What recurring vision excites you more than anything? ⁣⁣

⁣⁣What if, we opened to our heart's deepest desires and allow our passions to transform us? What if we could use it’s creative energy to expand and propel us forward. ⁣⁣

⁣⁣I invite you to listen to your heart for a moment. Surrender to it. Trust it. ⁣⁣⁣⁣Follow its guidance and watch — as it creates you into the person that will enable you to live the life of your wildest dreams.

— Sarah Voss

Some pictures from the past experiences living in Mexico (2019 / 2020)

Streets I would walk everyday, in the beautiful neighbourhood of La Roma ^

Group hike outside Mexico City ^

Small artistic corners of the city... I would stay here all day long, drawing, sharing ideas with local artists and observing people as they pass by.

New wonderful friends !! Jorge!

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