The Value of Perspective

These past few months of COVID isolation have been rather interesting, no?

Separated completely from close family, friends. At home (for some of us, alone) everyday, without those spontaneous human interactions or connections with complete strangers. 

With so much time spent alone these past few months —

I’m really starting to see the value of human perspective in a way like never before. The value in seeing the world through the eyes of another.

The value in expanding my awareness beyond my limited and narrow individual perspective. The value in seeing the bigger picture — in exploring the mental stories, ideas, beliefs and emotions of another.

Somehow I find that the more I open myself up to the “outside” world around me, the better I can understand the world within myself. The more I explore a perspective outside my own, the easier it becomes to free myself from the painful and harmful cycles, stories and limitations of my own perspective and mind.

I can’t help but wonder — what the world would look like if more humans were to genuinely open up to one another? If more humans were to be given the chance to look past their personal lens to explore the perspective of others in a non-judgemental way?

How would our perspectives change? Of ourselves, of each other, and of the world surrounding us?

These are the questions that haunt me at 7 am on a Tuesday.... 🤣

With love and appreciation,

– Sarah Voss

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