Creating Through my Heart

I am very excited and anxious to announce that my online art store is officially launched!

It’s taken a hell of a lot of encouragement, support and downright pressuring at times to get me to build up the confidence to finally share my artwork with the world (let alone set up a fully functioning e-commerce store). 😅

But now, here it is!

And I have to say, i’ve built this website and project with a lot of intention and love.

This first collection of artwork is an expression of much of what I've learned and discovered over the past few years of journeying far and wide across the world and exploring deep within myself. It combines my background in design with my perspectives as a meditation teacher. As well as my passion for human transformation with my mission to support the awakening of human consciousness.

My intention is create art that open minds, expand awareness and shifts perspectives. That inspires deeper inner reflections and ignites meaningful conversations in peoples lives and home spaces. 

I've taken the time to ensure all of the art prints and framed artwork is eco-friendly (sustainably printed on ethically sourced FSC Certified paper and wood frames). 🌎🍃 Much gratitude to mother earth for providing the abundance of trees and wood that these prints and frames are sustainably made from.

I intend on donating a percentage of my profits to a social project or organization. Still in the process of figuring this out though (.. and please sarah, one thing at a time 😅)

So... with that being said...

I warmly welcome you to my new website, where you can:

I’ll be honest — I’m VERY excited to have a platform set up where I can freely express myself in so many ways 😃.

💕 Thank you so much for all the love, words of encouragement towards my art and genuine support coming from my community online.

....And for those of you who have encouraged me to do this since day 1, you know who you are. Thank you so damn much!

 So check it out y’all! Let me know what you think ❤️

With genuine love and gratitude,

– Sarah Voss


  • Very inspiring, Sarah. Just getting to know your world :)

  • Congratulations Sarah! I look forward to exploring your world.

    Deborah hyde
  • Killing it <3 Excited to dive into your world a bit more. I love you and I’m proud of you! Rockstar

    Lola Baraldi

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